How to Donate to Sunland Village East Foundation

Sunland Village East Foundation is a public charity, based in Sunland Village East, Mesa, Arizona.

You can donate funds to Sunland Village East Foundation in any of four easy ways:

  1. Do a quick credit-card or PayPal donation, without filling out any forms.
    Note: There will be no tax-deduction receipt from the Foundation for this way of donating.
  2. Go to the SVE Foundations's PayPal Giving Fund webpage and donate. You must have a PayPal account to donate here. Because SVEF is a public charity, PayPal handles this transaction for free.
  3. Download the printable form presented below, fill it out, attach a check, sign the form, and mail it to:
    SVE Foundation, 7960 E Kiowa Circle, Mesa, AZ 85209.
  4. Fill out the online form.

Donate Now (Choose One of Four Ways)

1. Donate using your credit card number or PayPal.
You do not need a PayPal account to use the PayPal credit card portal.
You will not get a tax deduction receipt using this method.

2. Go to the PayPal Giving Fund webpage, and donate there.

Giving Fund QR Code

3. Download, fill out, and mail a paper donation form:

download form button

4. Donate using the online donation form immediately below.
To use your credit card, just scroll down past the PayPay payment method.