How to Donate to Sunland Village East Foundation
Sunland Village East Foundation is a public charity, based in Sunland Village East, Mesa, Arizona.
You can donate funds to Sunland Village East Foundation in any of four easy ways:
Do a quick credit-card or PayPal donation, without filling out any forms.
Note: There will be no tax-deduction receipt from the Foundation for this way of donating.
Go to the SVE Foundations's PayPal Giving Fund webpage and donate. You must have a PayPal account to donate here. Because SVEF is a public charity, PayPal handles this transaction for free.
Download the printable form presented below, fill it out, attach a check, sign the form, and mail it to:
SVE Foundation, 7960 E Kiowa Circle, Mesa, AZ 85209.
- Fill out the online form.
Donate Now (Choose One of Four Ways)
1. Donate using your credit card number or PayPal.
You do not need a PayPal account to use the PayPal credit card portal.
You will not get a tax deduction receipt using this method.
2. Go to the PayPal Giving Fund webpage, and donate there.
3. Download, fill out, and mail a paper donation form:
4. Donate using the online donation form immediately below.
To use your credit card, just scroll down past the PayPay payment method.