The History of Sunland Village East Foundation

The 55+ Village of Sunland Village East has long been known for its volunteerism and the selfless donations of time and money by its residents. The Sunland Village East Foundation was the brainchild of Paul Christoffers, a long-time resident of SVE. In addition to being a realtor in the Village, his experience as an attorney, community leader, and volunteer was invaluable in the spirit and growth of SVE. Paul hoped to develop a way to encourage the continuation of member donations for the benefit of the community and surrounding area by providing a tax incentive through the development of a 501(c)(3) Foundation. He spent many hours over many years attempting to establish a foundation, but a variety of circumstances prevented him from completing his goal prior to his death in the spring of 2022.

In the fall of 2022, Paul's wife, Lona, picked up the mantle of Paul's vision and contacted several of Paul's long-time friends who agreed to pursue this project with her. On August 15, 2022, the State of Arizona approved the Foundation's Articles of Incorporation, and the Foundation became a legal entity, as a separate corporation, independent of the Homeowners Association, but for the benefit of the Association, its residents, and the surrounding local area.

On October 5, 2022, the first informal organizational meeting was held with three participants present. Two other participants were unable to attend. As the work progressed, additional people were asked to join the group until there were seven active people doing research, submitting paperwork, and providing exceptional guidance to keep Paul's vision moving forward.

The tax EIN number was approved on October 6, 2022. The Internal Revenue Service officially recognized the Foundation as a 501(c)(3) charity retroactive to the date of incorporation.